Peace in the Middle of Central District | Hong Kong

I can’t believe it’s day three already. I spent this day walking around a lot and I feel like I lost five pounds since being here. But then I gain it back from eating good!

I met up with one of my local Hong Kong friends (@leohui1007) and we had dim sum! This time it was at a restaurant called London Restaurant in Mong Kok.

Top to bottom: vermicelli wrapped with pork, turnip cake, shrimp shu mai

Compared to Tim Ho Wan, it was okay. The price was also a little higher.

We decided to walk around Causeway Bay for a bit. Then, we needed a break from the sun so we took refuge at the Hysan Place. We went up to the 10th floor to Ten Ren Tea To Go and ordered black milk tea with pearls. It was really good and the pearls tasted just right. They had a little sweetness to them, instead of the taste of starch that I’m familiar with.

Ten Ren Tea To Go black milk tea with pearls

We prepared ourselves to go back out into the humidity and walked to the tram stop.

On our way to the tram stop, we passed by some buildings that I thought had nice architecture.

It seems like there is construction almost everywhere I go
Do you see the contrast between these two buildings?
Not quite sure what this building is, but it looks cool
St. John’s Cathedral sign
Inside St. John’s Cathedral
St. John’s Cathedral

We decided to take the tram a.k.a. ding ding (in Cantonese) to Central because it gives a different perspective than taking a bus or MTR.

The view from the ding ding
Hi (again) Kris
catch a ride, catch a smile #dingdingsmile
A view of a pink apartment building from the ding ding
Looking back at the road from the back of the ding ding

We stopped at the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens! I wasn’t expecting to see zoo animals in a free public park…It was pretty cool!

Also, I wasn’t quite impressed with these American flamingoes since I see them every time I go to the zoo back in the states 😂 But I guess I can be impressed that they are able to live in Hong Kong.

American Flamingoes

Walked through this tunnel which has framed photos and information of the history of the Hong Kong Park.

Time Tunnel (…like traveling through time)
Hong Kong Park map
Buff-Cheeked Gibbon, Spurred Tortoise, Black and White Ruffed Lemur
palm trees (like in California?)

There is a meerkat home here!!

“Meerkat’s Home” sign

I was expecting to see a family of meerkats…

sculpture of meerkats

There was only one meerkat…

the one meerkat

I think we accidentally scared it…

Alarmed meerkat. It stuck its head in the hole. SO CUTE though!

The final part we saw was a garden of healing plants!

healing plants

I thought this plant, Sauropus spatulifolius, was intriguing. It could clear lungs to relieve coughs.

Sauropus spatulifolius

Now to the other side of Hong Kong Park! You have to walk out of the Zoological and Botanical Gardens and cross the street to get to this side of the water fountain.

other side of Hong Kong Park

Let’s sit and rest for a little. I really appreciate the weather so far on this trip. It is the rainy season around this time, but it hasn’t rained while I was out (yet). Look at the nice blue sky~

This blue sky line!
Walking and relaxing around Hong Kong Park

Before dinner, we paused for ice cream. I have never tried ube flavor ice cream and I’ve heard this is a good dessert flavor! So, when I saw this at the 7-eleven ice cream section, I had to pick it up. And it sure was tasty!

ube ice cream

A great way to get from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon is by ferry! You can enjoy the ocean view if you don’t want to take the MTR or bus. Since we were in Central, we took the ferry to Tsim Sha Tsui for dinner.

Hong Kong Island to Kowloon by ferry

I was so happy to try clay pot rice! This was another must-eat food on my list!! I also ordered a lemon tea. You NEED to try this refreshing drink in any Hong Kong restaurant. My friend suggested this place, but I am not too sure of the name of the restaurant since it is quite a local find. You can see the name in the photo below.

I ordered from the menu where you get to choose any two meats. I got the Chinese sausage and soy sauced duck! It was so delicious!! Both meats were kind of salty, but the taste is well balanced when you mix them with the rice. The green vegetable was slightly crunchy and went well with the whole dish.

I can’t wait to try more food in Hong Kong!

If you have read this far, comment a purple heart emoji on this photo below on my IG @amystar630 so I know you came from my blog! Thanks for reading💜


2018.07.31. Tuesday. Day 3.

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